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- Figurformning | Nordic Shapestore
FIGURE SHAPING Shape the body with ShapeRoll based on your conditions We all have different conditions regarding appearance, age, body type, hormones, strength, stamina, time, interest, willpower, exercise routines, diet, etc. Roll massage on ShapeRoll is helpful regardless of starting position or unique circumstances. The treatment cannot be compared to any other and the results are both fast, effective and visible. The figure is shaped in a natural and extremely beneficial way. With regular roller massage, you get a cleansed and detoxified body that will show signs of well-being and vitality. With the help of ShapeRoll Original, you get a body and figure that radiates health and energy! BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF Shaping the figure is not the same as losing weight Different body types tend to put on fat deposits in different places on the body. Regardless of how balanced you eat or how regularly you exercise, there are certain persistent areas that just refuse to let go and give way.Breeches thigh , fat rolls on inner thighs,backboobies are some typical examples. We often hear: Det cannot be spot burned! That's right, you can't spot burn but man can put the fat cells inlipolysis and it is possible to massage remove stubborn fat deposits! So can you really get rid of your unwanted stored fat deposits?Yes! With treatments on ShapeRoll Original, fat deposits can be reduced in a natural way by: Da mechanical processing of the fat cells softens the fat and a local burning process is started in the area being treated. The tissue is heated using IR and the heat in turn increases the burning of the fat tissue. The blood and lymph circulation is activated and sweeps away slag substances that are drained from the fat cells. Volume reduction without weight loss How is it possible to reduce so much in girth without any weight loss? When toxins and fluid get stuck between the fat cells, these are pushed out from each other and then this can create an illusion that we have gained weight due to increased volume. The treatment with ShapeRoll increases the lymph circulation, which makes it easier for waste products and toxins to be drained out, while the fat cells undergo lipolysis and release stored energy (the fat is broken down and transported through blood and lymph out of the body). Fluids and other waste products trapped by swollen cells are released, the connective tissue is softened and its elasticity is restored. In addition to the fact that this procedure gives satisfactory results, it is also optimal from a health perspective. Fettceller med mycket slaggprodukter samt vätska emellan som tränger ut fettcellerna ifrån varandra. Detta tillstånd kan leda till celluliter alternativt att man ökar i omfång utan att öka i vikt. Fettceller med lite slaggprodukter runt sig kräver inte lika mycket plats och trängs därmed inte ut från varandra. Detta bidrar givetvis även till att man är mindre omfångsmässigt. Bild 2 ShapeRoll-terapeuten tyckte däremot att kunden minskat i omfång och insisterade att man skulle följa upp med fotografering. Som man kan se hade kunden ökat i vikt men minskat i omfång. 17:e mars: 83kg Bild 1 Tyvärr skötte inte kunden på bilderna kosten alls mellan bild 1 och bild 2. Tvärtom åt hon väldigt onyttigt och ville egentligen inte fotograferas eller vägas inför bild 2. Eftersom hon visste att hon misskött sin kost och därmed ökat i vikt, så var hon även övertygad om att hon ökat i omfång. 22:a februari: 81kg Bild 3 Mellan bild 2 till 3 började kunden även bruka allvar med balanserad och nyttig kost. Så totalt har hon minskat i vikt med 2kg från bild 1 till 3. Utöver omfångsminskningen och de minskade fettdepåerna kan man även se hur fint huden stramats upp på väldigt kort tid. 5:e maj: 79kg Do you want to know more about how ShapeRoll Original can help with weight reduction? More info shortly
- Skönhet | Nordic Shapestore
Beauty... ... comes from within! Yes, that's true, how the body feels on the inside often reflects what results we get on the outside. It is difficult to define the word beauty as it has such a different meaning for each individual. The truth is, however, that today's ideal of beauty is still rooted in looking healthy and well. Overweight, cellulite, sagging lifeless skin are not only associated with appearance, but are also seen as a measure of how one takes care of both health and body. Is there any method that can actually shape the body, tighten or smooth the skin and improve health at the same time? Absolutely, roll massage is such a method! Roll massage on ShapeRoll makes you feel better on the inside and the bonus is that the outside hangs on! Roll massage is a popular treatment with many areas of use that are used to e.g. reduce cellulite, tighten the skin and shape the body and reduce fatty tissue on the stomach, thighs and buttocks. It also restores the balance of the hormones, the nervous system and much more . Roll massage is an old massage method that originates from Chinese medicine and is based on connective tissue massage and lymphatic drainage. The treatment is profound and affects the lymph circulation, blood circulation and oxygenation. The increased circulation and fluid flow lead to the release of waste products, the connective tissue is softened and the elasticity of the skin is restored. Our method is not new, it has been around for decades, but the Swedish market has not been quite mature, the meaning of its beneficial effects has not been fully understood. Now, on the other hand, roll massage is as up-to-date as possible because solutions are sought that are fast, effective, healthy and natural. All it has roll massage in a single package, moreover at a reasonable cost. The best thing about this treatment is that it actually increases our well-being and improves our health and the big bonus is that the exterior also gets a noticeable difference, a difference that is not comparable to anything else. For the best effect, this particular type of roll massage is best performed by our critically acclaimedShapeRoll Original which guides the user through the entire program. Read more ShapeRoll can help slim down, shape the body, get a bum lift and get rid of cellulite! Treatment with ShapeRoll ® Original Eliminates or reduces troublesome cellulite Gets blood and lymph circulation going Cleans out toxins and waste from the body Starts collagen and elastin production Oxygenates the skin Cleanses the skin Tightens the skin Smoothes out wrinkles, lines and folds Vitalizes the skin Increases the skin's radiance Eliminates or reduces scarring Reduces stretch marks Shapes, sculpts and slims the body Increases fat burning Increases metabolism/ metabolism Reduces stubborn fat deposits Reduces swelling and fluid accumulation Miracle methods Many times you suffer from various types of dissatisfaction with your body, it can be everything from cellulite, sagging skin to stubborn fat deposits that just refuse to give way. There are a whole host of "solutions" out there and all too often results are promised that unfortunately do not meet expectations and in the search for the perfect solution leads to a lot of rock bottoms. You buy expensive miracle creams, go through one treatment after another and feel cheated again and again and rightfully become skeptical. Unfortunately, there are many companies that do not hesitate to mislead or twist the truth in order to make money from one's weaknesses, they base the results on photoshopped images and a lot of other tricks to get the customer to test their product._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In the end, you as a customer end up accepting that nothing helps, that you look the way you do, and give up hope for improvement. How can you trust that role massage really gives results? Role massage is not magic, it is only logical! It is enough that you have a little sense of how everything is connected and can therefore understand that when the body gets a little help on the trot, you will also get noticeable effects in a natural and healthy way. With the help of scientific evidence, field studies, reviews and authentic images, we will tell you how it is possible. We will explain why the results often fail, and what we can do to actually get the results we expect! That's why you get results with ShapeRoll ® The treatment stimulates the body on so many points that it contributes to better well-being, also seen from a health perspective. Here, however, we choose to put all the focus on what it does for the body on the outside. We explain in a simple way how everything is connected and why the results are so effective. Read more The skin Cellulite Collagen & Elastin Skin tightening Stretch Marks & Scars Skin problems Treatments at ShapeRoll give a well-shaped body with softer, smoother and firmer skin! The body Figure shaping Body types Weight reduction Circulation Detox Vitality It works not to replace this treatment with exercise and diet! The current trend is exercise and muscles because it makes the body look healthy and strong. But not everyone wants to look like that, or even has the opportunity to train hard, and lighter training and exercise do not give us the effects we are looking for. F Getting the body many people desire requires tremendous dedication and commitment. Unfortunately, many people have a distorted view that diet, exercise and exercise are the answer to all bodily improvement, which is incorrect and rooted in ignorance. Don't get us wrong, diet, training and exercise are great in every way and go a long way but they don't get us all the way there. Some things cannot be trained away. Cellulite, stretch marks or loose skin, persistent fat deposits are some examples and what we are talking about here is not connected to spot burning. The fact is that those who train at a more advanced level and want optimal recovery and firmer skin often supplement with some form of method that oxygenates and kick-starts blood circulation. Only exercise and diet cannot help when we have stopped the lymphatic system, other methods are required to get it going. The diet makes us gain or lose weight and it is not always exactly what we are aiming for. It cannot fix sagging skin, nor increase blood and lymph circulation and oxygenation in the body. So more is needed, so comments like"but why don't you start exercising and eating right instead" is complete lack of knowledge! It is not intended to replace balanced diet or exercise with roll massage, or vice versa. A combination is the best solution, whatever the conditions. However, performing role massage is better than doing nothing at all! We also know from experience that role massage usually becomes the breeding ground for training in people who actually could not or had the desire to train or exercise. Read more about role massage in connection with training >>
- Kroppstyper | Nordic Shapestore
Body types When it comes to body figures, they are usually categorized based on where the fat deposits tend to accumulate. We have chosen to include only four figures that most people probably recognize. Why the fat tends to stick where it does depends largely on heredity, metabolism and hormones. Regardless of what figure you have, you can sometimes experience that it feels impossible to get rid of your unwanted worries with the methods you knew before. ShapeRoll has a revolutionary effect and has different programs that are adapted to the different body shapes. The positive thing is that you neither need to reduce your weight to improve or refine your figure, while the treatments are also both natural and beneficial. Rektangelfigur Kvinnor med rektangulär figur uppfattas som helt raka eftersom fettet fördelas jämt över hela kroppen, med mer eller mindre samma mått runt midja, höfter och byst. En del kvinnor med denna kroppstyp upplever att de har platt rumpa och saknar former. Rollmassage i detta fall är huvudsakligen behjälplig med uppstramning och lyft. Framförallt märker kunderna att de får rumplyft som de inte trodde var möjligt. Rumpan går från att bli platt till rund. Trots att kvinnor i denna kategori oftast brukar vara relativt smala så är de inte "immuna " mot att få celluliter, i en del fall finns även en tendens till ridbyxlår. Även här är behandlingarna oerhört effektiva och man får resultat över förväntan. Program Standard på ShapeRoll Original är skapat för att hjälpa till med just denna figurform. Äppelfigur Kvinnor med äppelfigur har oftast väldigt smala ben och liten rumpa jämfört med överkroppens proportioner. Här tenderar överflödigt fett till största del fastna i och runt magen. Nackdelen med just denna kroppstyp är att fettet oftast är visceralt , dvs. fett som lagras kring våra inre organ i buken. Det viscerala fettet är inte detsamma som underhudsfett som förknippas med bilringar eller kärlekshandtag , utan det är som sagt det som befinner sig innanför bukhinnan djupt inne i buken. Visceralt fett är inget rollmassage kan komma åt, däremot bidrar regelbunden rollmassage till både ökad lymfcirkulation och metabolism vilket i sin tur ökar förbränningen. Resterande depåer i form av underhudsfett masseras, fettcellerna hamnar i lipolys samtidigt som huden stramas upp och slätas ut. Program Övre partier på ShapeRoll Original är skapat för att hjälpa till med just denna figurform. Päronfigur Kvinnor med päronfigur har smal överkropp i förhållande till nedre delarna av kroppen. På denna kroppstyp sätter sig merparten fett från midjan och ner. Trots träning och viktnedgång så är nedre delen av kroppen alltid större proportionellt till överkroppen. Det kan vara väldigt svårt att bli av med överskottsfettet på låren, även om man har en sund och aktiv livsstil i övrigt. Good news för päronfigurerna är att med dessa behandlingar kommer både synbara och snabba resultat. Kunder i denna kategori upplever att de aldrig tidigare haft så slanka ben eller att deras figur varit så "jämn" som när de fått behandlingar på ShapeRoll. Tidigare har de flesta upplevt att de haft extremt smalt ansikte och nyckelbenen varit utmärkande om de velat få ner omfånget på rumpa och lår. Program Nedre partier på ShapeRoll Original är skapat för att hjälpa till med just denna figurform. Timglasfigur Kvinnor med timglasfigur är ofta lite större på överkroppen, har en proportionerligt smal midja och grövre lår och större rumpa. Här tenderar fettet att ansamlas på armar, under bh-bandet, runt höfterna, på rumpan och på låren. Eftersom det behövs krut både på över och underkroppen så rekommenderar vi i detta fall att variera mellan de olika programmen. Denna figur är oftast väldigt uppskattad och inte sällan vill man behålla sina fina former men vill få både uppstramning och lyft. I detta fall kan ShapeRoll hjälpa att finslipa det man redan har och istället för att behöva minska i vikt eller omfång så framhävs istället kurvorna på bästa vis samtidigt som eventuella celluliter elimineras. Till denna figur rekommenderas Program Standard , Program Övre partier samt Program Nedre partier varvat om vartannat.
- Skonhet sa har funkar det | Nordic Shapestore
The three keywords The most important thing is to understand that the secret lies withinthe lymphatic system , the oxygenation and blood circulation regardless of what results you want. If any of these three are not working optimally, it can be seen and felt both inside and out. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts or miracle cures that can get past this, and for a sustainable result, continuity is what counts! Lymph circulation The lymphatic system is part of our immune system and its job is to expel excess fluid, inflammatory substances, bacteria, viruses and waste products. The lymphatic circulation must be functioning well to help the body remove accumulations of toxins/waste products. Inertia in the lymphatic system from a beauty perspective can, among other things, contribute to fluid retention, excess weight (also from a health perspective), tight connective tissue and pits in the skin (cellulite). Oxygenation The secret to a smooth and healthy skin is a good exchange, i.e. good oxygenation and optimal removal of waste products. The skin needs oxygen to renew itself and stay healthy. The older you get, the more difficult it becomes for the body to oxygenate the blood on its own, and thus the skin. Poorly oxygenated skin is the first step to skin aging and the breeding ground for cellulite. Good oxygen supply is also a basic prerequisite for wound healing. Blood circulation The main task of the blood is to transport oxygen in the body. A functioning blood circulation is needed to supply all the body's tissues with oxygen and nutrition and to transport away harmful metabolites and carbon dioxide. Since the skin needs oxygen to renew itself, the possibilities of maintaining young and healthy skin also increase. The blood circulation has a firming effect, improves skin tone, reduces swelling and contributes to the skin becoming smooth and fine. An increased blood circulation can thus prevent wrinkles. What should be done then? What you need to do is to get the lymphatic system, oxygenation and blood circulation going! It is important to find a method that stimulates these three in the best way. Massage/connective tissue massage, lymphatic drainage, have proven to be incredibly good treatments to help the body with just this. If you also eat a balanced diet and do some form of training or exercise, the body will feel at its best. The dilemma is that continuity is required, a regularity that is both time-consuming and can be very costly in the long run. This causes many people to back off, cancel before the effect is achieved or fail to maintain after the result is achieved. It is therefore important to find a method that is affordable, simple and effective, a method that makes it possible to maintain the required regularity. We recommendroll massage on ShapeRoll Original which is both intensive, simple and gives incredibly fast results! The body is fantastic and handles everything as best it can based on its conditions. If we help it a little on the trot, we will soon notice positive effects. You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly it can actually change!
- Modeller | Nordic Shapestore
Models We have 3 models to choose from, S, M & L S slim and low M thin and tall L wide and high ModelS ModelL ModelM ModelS is our compressed model that is both slim and low. A small and compact model that is perfect for tight spaces. This model is available as Home Edition or as Vigour Edition. Comparison of model S & L * Model M is not included in the comparison because it has the same scope as the model S and the same height as the model L Model S Specifications: Width: 86cm Depth: 50cm Height: 63cm Weight: 60kg Maximum load: 100kg Infrared heating: Yes Emergency stop: Yes Steering: Manual: Yes Pros: No Pro Home: Yes W17xH5xD 66 Specifications: Width: 86cm Depth: 50cm Height: 77cm Weight: 70kg Maximum load: 120kg Infrared heating: Yes Emergency Stop: Ja Steering: Manual: Yes Pros: Yes Pro Home: Yes Model M Model L Specifications: Width: 100cm Depth: 75cm Height: 77cm Weight: 75kg Maximum load: 120kg Infrared heating: Yes Emergency Stop: Ja Steering: Manual: Yes Pros: Yes Pro Home: No
- ShapeRoll Studios | Nordic Shapestore
ShapeRoll Studios Denna sida är en central platform för ShapeRoll Studios kunder. ShapeRoll Studios är ett samlingsnamn för företag som offererar behandlingar på ShapeRoll® Original. Här har vi samlat olika ställen runt om i landet som ingår i vår community. Notera att mottagningarna ägs av olika företag och kan därför ha olika namn, men att de likväl ingår i ShapeRoll Studios. Genom att välja stad blir du guidad till rätt studio och kan där läsa mer på deras egna hemsida och få all information du behöver inför ditt besök. Tack för att du väljer ShapeRoll Studios! Malmö Centrum ShapeRoll Skills Engelbrektsgatan 13 (Ingång Skills by Tamara) 211 33 Malmö Telnr. 0707 - 509 509 Mer info Stockholm Södermalm Pelegrino Götgatan 1 (Ingång Scandic Malmen) 116 21 Stockholm Telnr. 070 - 284 0727 Mer info Västerås Rubrik 5 You Östermälarstrand Öster Mälarstrands Allé 141 723 56 Västerås Telnr. 0707 - 509 509 Mer info Call 123-456-7890 Email Follow
- Maskiner | Nordic Shapestore
The machines Our high-quality machines are solid, sturdy, quiet and smooth in rotation. The natural wooden rollers are pleasantly shaped where comfort, efficiency and safety have been taken into account. We have three brands in our range, WellRoll® , ShapeRoll® Original & OxyTone® , all intended for one and the same thing,roll massage ! In addition to that, the machines differ on several points, both regarding appearance, function and purpose. With a large variation in execution, we are able to meet various needs. WellRoll® Original WellRoll ® is our simplified version with manual control. It is a universal machine suitable for both commercial and home use. The machine is available in different sizes, colors, Vigor Edition or Home Edition. Read more ShapeRoll® Original ShapeRoll ® Original is our flagship that has been on the market the longest and has taken its users by storm! It is a universal machine suitable for both commercial and home use. The machine is available in different sizes, Vigor Edition or Home Edition. This is the machine with program control. More info shortly OxyTone ® OxyTone ® is our shooting star who takes training to new heights! This massive and robust beast has been created to withstand a little tougher grip. OxyTone is a matter of course in all gyms, crossfit boxes and training facilities! Read more Our models Model S WellRoll ® / ShapeRoll ® Model M W17xH5xD 66 WellRoll ® / ShapeRoll ® Model L Model XXL OxyTone ® WellRoll ® / ShapeRoll ® Our machines and safety Optimal wooden roller The distance between the wooden bars on the roller is designed to exclude the possibility of sticking fingers between the bars. Tipping safety Our machines are very strong and robust, the frame is designed to stand stable and safe. Regardless of the exercise you perform, you can feel secure that the machines are stable. Automatic IR Our machines are equipped with automatic IR, i.e. the infrared heating is switched on when the drum starts to rotate and switched off when the drum is stationary. This eliminates the possibility of forgetting to turn off the IR after use. Emergency Stop Our machines are equipped with an emergency stop. The emergency brake is stylishly integrated in the form of a rocker board on both long sides. Press the board and the machine stops immediately. Switch Our machines are equipped with a plug with a switch for extra safety. Priser Priser Vi får ofta frågan varför vi inte har priser på vår hemsida. Anledningen till detta är att våra maskiner är skräddarsydda och anpassas efter varje kunds specifika behov. Vi vill ge våra kunder bästa möjliga service genom att erbjuda lösningar som uppfyller deras exakta behov. Eftersom varje kund har olika önskemål behöver vi ta hänsyn till faktorer som val av modell, färg, tillval och eventuella specialanpassningar. Detta innebär att priset på en maskin kan variera, därför kan vi inte ge en generell prissättning. Vi rekommenderar att du kontaktar oss direkt för att diskutera valmöjligheter och få en offert baserad på dina specifika önskemål. Genom att arbeta tätt tillsammans kan vi säkerställa att du får en enhet som passar just dig! Att välja rätt maskin... Läs mer
- Viktigt att tänka på | Nordic Shapestore
Rolla i rätt riktning och i rätt ordning För lymfan i rätt riktning, rullen ska alltid rotera inåt- och uppåt mot hjärtat! Börja alltid med höger sida, dvs. höger vad, vänster vad, höger arm, vänster arm osv. Om du inte följer något program börja nerifrån Dvs. benen före sätet, säte före rygg etc. Få hjälp av instruktör första gången Det händer mycket i kroppen när man rollar! Rollmassagen är otroligt intensiv och det är särskilt viktigt att bli instruerad av utbildad personal första gången man ska utföra en helkroppsmassage. Rolla aldrig mer än 40 minuter första gången. Vid slumpmässig rollmassage är maxtiden 10 minuter, i detta fall är det inte lika viktigt att bli instruerad första gången, men det kan vara bra för att få tips och råd om man är novis. Våra instruktörer är certifierade Vi ställer höga krav och garanterar att våra instruktörer har gedigen kunskap gällande rollmassage samt våra produkter. Du som kund ska känna dig trygg och säker med att rollmassagen utförs korrekt. För att försäkra dig om att din instruktör är utbildad och certifierad skall denne kunna uppvisa ett intyg utfärdat av oss. Drick mycket vatten Njurarna måste ha tillgång till vatten för att kunna eliminera de vattenlösliga slaggprodukterna. Vid vätskebrist blir en del slaggprodukter kvar i kroppen och rollmassagen bidrar då bara till att slaggprodukterna förflyttas. Det är därför väldigt viktigt att dricka mycket vatten när man rollar, särskilt under helkroppsmassagen. Rekommendation: 2-3 liter vatten. Uppsatt hår Av säkerhetsskäl är det mycket viktigt att sätta upp långt hår! Håret skall vara uppsatt i en knut. Klädsel vid rollmassage Vi rekommenderar mjuka åtsittande kläder, samt strumpor. Vid helkroppsmassage, helst långa tights och långärmad tröja. Detta då de förutbestämda programmens tid kan vara ända upp till 10 minuter per position och man inte vill riskera att få friktionsskador på huden. Kortärmat och shorts är inte att rekommendera i detta fall. Vid slumpmässig rollmassage kan man ha sina träningskläder, eftersom detta är en kortare typ av massage. Tänk dock på punkterna nedan: The most important thing to keep in mind is not to have sharp objects such as zippers, rivets, buttons and other metal objects that are sewn into the fabric of the clothes as these can contribute to: Damage to the skin Damage to the wooden roller, if chips/slivers/spits were to appear on the roller, it could in turn lead to a risk of injury to future users of the roller, including you. Other things to consider that can contribute to damage and must be removed before rolling: piercings that come into contact with the wooden roller, belts, keys in pockets and rings (if rolling hands) Examples of clothes that are not suitable for role massage Important to remember Contraindications There are conditions/circumstances when it is not appropriate to roll. We have listed these below: << Back to Roll Massage Relative contraindications Hemophilia Heart disease Vascular problems such as clots, atherosclerosis, inflammation of vessels Medication with anticoagulants and blood thinners Varicose veins, avoid rolling in the middle of the varicose veins. Acute trauma to the soft parts of the body (e.g. femur) Open wounds and permanent processes Skin diseases such as severe eczema, infectious diseases Pregnancy (avoid massage completely for the first 3 months) Absolute contraindications Fever/infection Acute trauma to the vertebral column (avoid massage for the first 6-8 weeks) Malignant tumors Pronounced osteoporosis (osteoporosis) Rupture (muscle tear) Acute dislocations (dislocated arm/leg) Infectious spondylitis and other bone infections – inflammation of the vertebrae
- Gym och Träningcenter | Nordic Shapestore
Roller massage & Training center Many researchers and experts know that massage in combination with exercise is among the most effective recovery methods. Despite this knowledge, many gyms still lack adequate sports massage equipment in their gym equipment park. Having masseurs on site to massage the gym members free of charge would be neither financially nor time-sustainable. In the absence of solutions, it provides its members with manual tools that can be both exhausting, painful and noisy. The result is that many forgo recovery altogether. Our solution to the problem is roller massage and the OxyTone massage machine! What we offer is a developed and streamlined method that is simple to implement and brings quick results. We have adapted and facilitated the pace and lifestyle of modern man so that it should be fast, simple and efficient! We have developed and produced the OxyTone roller massage machine to cover the lack of sports massage in gyms. With OxyTone in the gym, members' needs are met in a truly exceptional way! Robust, durable, powerful and extremely efficient! One of a kind, OxyTone is the only roller massager on the market created just for the gym industry. OxyTone is highly praised and appreciated by users and we are often told that it is the best machine in the gym. OxyTone has attracted many members from other gyms only because of its existence in the gyms where it is found. The users are enthralled the first time they are massaged by OxyTone, therefore it is very easy to impress by having this massage machine in your gym. The feeling of being massaged by this effective massage device is indescribable and no matter how much you try to explain how it feels, it is impossible to convey the feeling. You can't imagine how amazing it feels until you've experienced OxyTone's magical touch! More about OxyTone® >> Roll massage on OxyTone® Great addition, but it's equipment after all and can't be compared to gym equipment We often hear: "it's like a huge foam roll"Not at all! Just as an ab wheel is not the same as an ab machine or a rubber band cannot be compared to a leg machine. Simple manual equipment belongs to a completely different category than gym equipment and we see it only as a supplement to gym machines. So even though they are good and helpful in their own way, you can don't expect the same intensity, feeling or quick results. What does your gym offer for equipment that optimizes the warm-up and maximizes recovery? Training in all its glory but how is the recovery? Recovery is among the most important and yet it is forgotten!? Research shows that sports massage is the most effective solution to counteract the consequences of heavy lifting, overexertion, intense workouts, stiff and sore muscles. Despite this, well-stocked and popular gyms still lack functional equipment to meet their members' recovery needs. What does your gym offer for massage facilities that are actually included in the gym fee? "Unfortunately, we have no room!" is the most common argument why gyms do not purchase OxyTone There seems to be room for far too much else, but for a single sports massage device there is no room. Are all treadmills really used? Or is it possible to set aside one or two to make room for some roller massage machines. Two stykken OxyTone takes up the same space as a treadmill. Or is it just that simple that you are stuck in an old rut regarding what equipment a modern gym should have? The classic stereotype of gyms, loads of treadmills and no sports massage equipment at all We want to inform and help review the uneven distribution Roller massage machines have as obvious a place in the gym as both treadmills, exercise bikes or cross-trainers . Despite that, the distribution often looks like the picture, i.e. lots of unused treadmills and not a single sports massage equipment throughout the gym. We have experience with members queuing at OxyTone for sports massages, especially right after group sessions, while scores of treadmills are at a standstill at the same time. Is this reasonable, we ask ourselves ? Why do you opt out of the opportunity to give yours members access to sports massage? Why not prioritize the importance of recovery, tissue massage, better oxygenation and optimized training? However, we do not want to judge, but rather help! If you, as a member or owner, are missing roller massage machines at your gym, we will be happy to help change that! Psst! Did you know that... ...if a gym with 500 members and rents an OxyTone, they would have to raise the membership fee by SEK 5/month to cover the cost. Innovation and development The world is changing ever faster and the demands for renewal, i.e. innovation, increases at the same rate. This means new requirements - and opportunities to develop new and long-term sustainable business models. Because the fact is, doing nothing is not the same as standing still, but for many a risk of falling behind. These are tough times and the competition between gyms is greater than ever. The girl is soon reached over how one gym should excel over the other. We give you a unique opportunity to impress and make your gym exceptional with a well-equipped machine park and optimal solutions for everyone. With roller massage devices, you can e.g. attracting a whole new clientele who hadn't considered joining a gym at all. Gym member, stand up and make your voice heard! We know that there are many of you out there who wish your gym had purchased roller massage equipment, it is not uncommon for us to receive calls from people who wonder why their gym does not have one OxyTone or want tips on gyms that procure them. What we usually recommend is to talk to those in charge, for example the staff at the reception or the site manager. The alternative is to gather more people and that you jointly make a request or put in a wish, it can often weigh more heavily when it comes from several directions. We are happy to help by contacting us and informing the gyms. Then it's up to them, and to You/Er! If you are not heard, there are plenty of other gyms you can switch to. After all, you are a customer and pay for your gym to remain, then you also have the right to be able to participate and wish for what kind of equipment there should be. The question is what is most important to you, the cheapest gym fee, the largest number of clubs to choose from or actually a well-equipped gym that enables you to get optimized training and can recover you and your body after training in the best possible way.
- NordicShapestore | OxyTone WellRoll ShapeRoll Original Rollmassage
Nordic Shapestore This Is How We Roll... Welcome to the world of rolling massage! Here you get information about rolling massage and its outstanding benefits and effects! With us you can buy, rent or lease rolling machines... ...and Yes, it is precisely us who have ShapeRoll® Original Rolling massage Rolling massage is an expression of massage performed by a mechanical massage device and its wave-shaped rotating wooden rollers. The massage is practical, functional, intense and effective. With the help of our machines, you can get a full-body massage or be massaged point by point. Read more and find out which option is best for you! Read more Our machines We have three brands in our range, OxyTone ®, WellRoll ® and ShapeRoll ® Original with varying sizes and models to be able to match different requests. The machines are available both with and without software, large and small, adapted for commercial or home use. As a buyer, you can largely influence how your machine should look like and what functions it should have. Read more Industries & Areas of Use Roller machines have been associated with the beauty industry for decades because of its rapid and revolutionary results. In fact, they do so much more especially when it comes to wellness and health. We believe that the exterior is only a bonus and have therefore chosen to cover a larger area! Here we have listed areas of use where the roll machines do best! Read more Gym & Training center
- Hem & Privat bruk | Nordic Shapestore
Where do you choose to place your WellRoll? Getting a rolling machine for home use can be one of the best investments for you, your body and your well-being! Never before has awareness around health been so great. It is known that a lifestyle that includes regular exercise or training, a balanced diet and recovery both in body and mind is essential for well-being and a better quality of life. Roll massage can be both relaxing and invigorating, but above all it does wonders for health! Treat yourself to the opportunity to enjoy beneficial role massage in your own home when it suits you. Psst! Did you know that... ...if you roll 3 times a week, you can get a full body massage for SEK 75/time. If there are more of you in the household, divide that sum by the number of users. Well, it's actually not more expensive than that! Give your health a boost and get better well-being without having to leave home! In challenging times like these where the world has changed abruptly and we are forced to stay more in our home, then we have to rethink and create the possibility to continue to take care of our physical and mental health from home. We realize now more than ever how important it is to strengthen our immune system and that we must do it with the means we have available at home. We have had to redirect and make the best of the situation, think innovatively and find alternatives where we can continue to take care of our body on the home front. It is now the demand for home products is at its greatest because we want create an environment in the home where it is not only the aesthetic that counts, we realize that the most important thing is actually our health! Combine your home workout with role massage and take your well-being to a new level! Short of time? No problem! Take it at your own pace exactly when it suits you! Many of us do not have enough time, this is often the dilemma of our time. The most likely thing then is that you put your own needs and those of your body aside. The last thing you need is to stress further to catch up with yourself. Another dilemma can be that you don't even have the opportunity to go out and get away, a situation many parents of young children can relate to. Regardless of the reason, a roll machine at home is worth its weight in gold! Instead of rushing to get away, adapting to other people's schedules or having to travel longer distances, you can have a machine at home at your disposal whenever it suits you, if only for 5 minutes._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Well-being shall not need to become one more project to catch up on and stress over. A roller massage machine in the home enable that you can create more time in everyday life and combine benefit with pleasure! D u can take care of your body without having to prioritize or neglect it! Since role massage is not particularly strenuous and you neither become breathless or sweaty, you can easily focus on other things at the same time. You can hang out with family, talk on the phone, read a book or watch your favorite show while driving a pass. Our machines are incredibly quiet and neither overpower nor distract, so you also don't disturb your surroundings when you roll. Pause the machine if you need to walk away, continue when it suits you. Could it be more comfortable and practical? You don't need to Prioritize! Do both and... Take a break... Release the stress and pressure for a while! Do you work from home, have a hectic daily schedule, are you tired after an active training session? Then it's important to take a well-needed break! Why not take that step further? It is all too easy to forget yourself and your own well-being when you are in the middle of everyday demands. Treat yourself to for a moment letting go of all the must-haves and let the body recover quickly, easily without having to go to another place. A break to gather energy means that you are ready to face the challenges again with renewed strength and new energy. Where should you put your WellRoll? WellRoll performs well regardless of where you place it, and it doesn't take up as much space as many seem to think. As the option exists to match with the rest of the interior, it is easy to make WellRoll blend in . Let Your WellRoll become part of the interior design, whatever you have for your living conditions, we ability to offer unique solutions adapted to interior style, space and each user's wishes. Happiness is having your very own masseuse at home
- Användningsområden | Nordic Shapestore
Industries & Areas of Use Hem & privat bruk Unna Dig ett bättre välmående och gör det på Dina egna premisser. Skaffa en WellRoll för hemmabruk och ha Din alldeles egna massör på hemmaplan. Få tiden att räcka till, ta hand om Ditt välmående utan att behöva prioritera bort annat. Prisvärd vardagslyx! Se mer Läs mer Arbetsplats & kontorshotell Att ha WellRoll på arbetsplatsen är gynnsamt både för arbetstagare och arbetsgivare. Stillasittande eller överansträngning kan få ogynnsamma konsekvenser. Skapa bättre arbetsmiljö och få en friskare personal. Väl värd investering och win/win för alla! Se mer Läs mer Gym & träningscenter Alla vinner på att Ditt gym erbjuder lösningar som bidrar till optimerad träning och snabb återhämtning. Gymmedlemmarna får bästa möjliga träningsupplevelsen och gymmet kan briljera med att vara ett exceptionellt! Vad utmärker Ditt gym från alla andra? Flest klubbar i landet, billigast gymavgift? Eller bäst utrustad gymmaskinpark? Se mer Läs mer